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Wisenet NVR WebViewer

Tara Brown

Browser compatibility and Live View

The online platform used to view your Wisenet NVR online is called WebViewer and it can be used on Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. Chrome and Firefox can only support the Lite version of WebViewer whereas Internet Explorer can only support the full version. It does not work when using Safari on an iPhone so I would suggest using the mobile application instead of WebViewer. Both the Lite and the Full versions offer you the option to edit the system settings and view the live feed however you cannot view playback in the Lite version.

To access WebViewer you need to insert the IP address of your NVR into the browser bar at the top of the screen. This will then open the login portal below.


Insert the username/ID and password for your NVR and click login. If you are using Chrome or Firefox ensure the Lite ver. Webviewer option is selected. It will then login to your device and display the live view as below (Chrome- Left, Internet Explorer - Right).

chrome and IE.jpg

Whilst WebViewer works on all three of these platforms, you will get the best performance from Internet Explorer. Not only because it will run the full version as opposed to the Lite. version, but from my observations the image quality is better when you use Internet Explorer.


You cannot view playback in the Lite version.

In the Full version when using Internet Explore select the 'search' tab to access playback. This will then allow you to search through your recorded footage.




  • playback.jpg
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Have you forgotten (don't know) your password?
I don’t forget my password.when i user smart viewer the password is much but with internet explorer I can’t access
Both running on the same laptop?
Sometimes we encounter problems where keyboards set differently and you're not actually keying the password you think.
Especially with special characters.
Type your password into the user name box to check you are getting what you expect.
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Smart viewer and internet explorer running on the same laptop .
I m sure about password after I typed it in the password box I check with preview