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USB WiFi Dongle Compatibility


Trusted Member
Many of the new Hikvision NVRs and DVRs (and some others with newer firmware) are able to connect to WiFi directly with an appropriate USB adapter or 'dongle'. Previously you would need to use either:

  1. A WiFi extender that has an RJ45 port enabling connection of a wired device. They work, but many of them just clone and re broadcast your existing WiFi networks SSID. This can be problematic if the extender is plugged in on the periphery of your existing WiFi's coverage.
  2. A device that can be configured as a wireless bridge such as the Vonets devices. These are better than the above as you can configure them solely as a wireless bridge. The device links to your existing wireless network as a client. Effectively your NVR/DVRs network port plugs into the device and your NVR/DVR is as good as wireless. Unfortunately you have to pre configure the device via its web interface prior to connection. That's a bit of a pain having to unplug it and repeat the configuration if you change WIFi name or password (as its menu is inaccessible wirelessly once configured)
Compatible Hikvision NVRs/DVRs get around the above, as although you need a USB WiFi 'Dongle', all of the programming is carried out on your NVR/DVR. You can select your wireless network, enter the password and connect. Then in Network Settings > TCP/IP you can switch between the default LAN network adapter and your configured WiFi network.

Unfortunately Hikvision don't provide a 'recommended' device or compatibility list. I received some (vague) information from my supplier which may help in choosing a USB WiFi dongle that will work with your device. Compatibility depends on the PID of the device (Property ID). With the dongle plugged into a PC or Laptop you can check the PID by looking at the device's Properties > Hardware IDs. All I have that's known to be compatible is PID:


The model I managed to find on that meets one of those PIDs is linked below. I got one a short while ago but it's now showing as unavailable. As it's a little vague as to which specific models do/don't work, please share a link for any device which you know to work with your Hikvision DVR/NVR.

@Kyle @Dan - you may be able to get more accurate compatibility information than I have here with your contacts. Many thanks
