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PTZ camera for ds-7204hqhi-f1-n DVR?



I have a ds-7204hqhi-f1-n with 2 fixed dome cameras wired in.

I would like to add a PTZ to my system, but need some advice please.
I think I am limited to 2mp cameras?
If I get a PTZ like DS-2AE7230TI-A, would I need to connect the 2 PTZ wires to the DVR if I want to control it using the HIK-Connect app on my phone or my PC software?

I think my DVR will allow me to connect 1 IP camera to it also.
If I got an IP PTZ like the hilook PTZ-N4215I-DE and connected that to my DVR via the network/IP, would my DVR support the PTZ function over the hik-connect app/PC software?

Finally, some of the specs I have read for my DVR state that it does 4 cameras + 1IP.
Does that mean it can support a total of 5 cameras at once or still only 4, but 1 of those 4 can be an IP camera?

Many thanks for the help.