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ProControl+ not playing event videos


Hi all,

First post on the forum, hopefully someone can solve my issue! :)

I have a DS-7204HUHI-K1 DVR with 2 x 5MP Hikvision cameras. These were installed by a friend of a friend a while back and everything was going fine. I recently changed my internet provider which seemed to be a simple switch-over in terms of the DVR. I don't know if this has caused the issue, but I've only noticed the problem happening from this switch.

Basically, I've set up various smart events using the DVR web login (Intrusion and Line Crossing). I get the notifications on my ProControl+ app, but when I go to play back the event, the video just skips to the end. I try to click replay and the same thing happens. Even moving the playback time bar to the start of the video doesn't work.

I've tried removing all event notifications which hasn't helped. Asked the installer and he doesn't know why it's doing it. I can live view and playback from the app fine, it only seems to be when viewing event videos.

Happy to screencap the issue and upload to youtube if this helps?

Many thanks,

Hi all,

Just to bump the thread and also add a video of the issue which may help. Please see youtube video:

As you can see, event videos just skip right to the end. This happens on 95% of the event notifications, as you can see one of the events actually plays back fine in the video (although when I skip back using the slider, it stops). I also don't think it's because the DVR is still recording the 2minute event as it happens on old notifications.

Surely it's nothing to do with full storage (my HDD is full but overwrites) as this event playback is just playing video already stored on the HDD? For example, I could go to full playback mode, go to the time of the event and it will play fine. This also happens on my girlfriend's app on her phone.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,

We at use-IP are not familiar with DVRs.
Where do you get the term Pro Control from please?
Did you just change ISP, or did you replace your router as well?
We at use-IP are not familiar with DVRs.
Where do you get the term Pro Control from please?
Did you just change ISP, or did you replace your router as well?
Hi Phil,

ProControl is the name of the mobile app (it replaces Hik-Connect).

My router was changed with my ISP replacement. All ports are set up correctly on the router.

I have never heard of ProControl+ before.
Having just checked the Android App store, it is the App used by Pyronix - a UK intruder alarm company which Hikvision purchased a couple of years back. There is nowadays a range of Hikvision cameras also branded as Pyronix.

If you are using Hikvision-branded equipment I would recommend that you use the Hik-Connect App.

You do not need to configure router ports, port forwarding, DynDNS etc. with the Hik-Connect portal and App
Hi Phil,

The Hik-Connect app has the exact same issues as discussed above.

I mentioned port forwarding to pre-empt any comments you may have made in regards to my new router with my new ISP.

Check UPnP is disabled on the new router. For security reasons it should be disabled on the DVR and your router. Keep us posted.
Hi Stewart,

UPnP is enabled on both the DVR and router. I thought this needs to be enabled to open the ports and allow the app to work when I'm not on my home network?

I'll certainly give it a try!

Hik-Connect does not require UPnP thankfully. No idea about ProControl+.
We could try a process of elimination. To begin with, please post screen captures of your DVR network settings, the Platform Access settings and one of the camera's stream settings, both Main and Sub.
Hi @StewartM,

Please see screen caps (I've blanked out info that might be sensitive):


Hopefully this is what you were looking for? Camera 01 is set as Main Stream but I changed the drop down to Sub Stream and took a screen cap of that.. not sure if it's correct?

To add, I've realised I can get each event video to play by dragging the seek bar/scrubber back to the beginning (give or take a few seconds) a couple of times and eventually it fires the video up..

Settings look good.
No promises, but a couple easy changes you could try:
Make Cloud Flare your Primary DNS and your secondary.
In Platform Access try one of the alternative servers (some of the Amazon Web Servers seem to be more responsive than others):

If you don't see a difference we can try some settings in the mobile app next.
Still no joy :(

I changed the DNS to your recommendation. I also tried both alternative servers but it didn't seem to connect to either, it just said "Offline". Soon as I changed it back to dev.eu.hik-connect.com the service came back online.

Thanks again for your help.

Ok, on to the apps. You mentioned both the Hikconnect and ProControl+ have the same issue on playback?
Is the mobile device iOS or Android or have you tried it on multiple devices with the same result? Apps all up to date?
Just trying to narrow things down.
Hi @StewartM,

Good shout. I've just checked my iPad with the Pro-Control+ app and that seems to play all event videos with no issue whatsoever. I even picked a few events from my phone where it has the issue, opened them on my iPad and voila, they played straight away.

Apps are up to date (even re-installed today) on my phone which is a Samsung S8. My girlfriends phone is an S8 also which suffers the same problem. Seems to be an android issue? I did ask my installer who uses android and he doesn't have the issue - maybe a localised android problem? Or I've done something to the app which is being replicated on my gf's phone!

Last edited:
Just an update to this, I thought I would try downloading an older version of the Procontrol+ apk. Installed and works perfectly. Must be something up with the latest apk!

Thanks for your help Stewart, I'll use this version until an update is released which hopefully fixes the issue.
