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NVR password reset?


New Member
I can't see the images on my iPhone because the NVR can't see the wifi, and am trying to reset the Password.
The NVR was set up without any default emails or the ability to send a GUID (whatever that is!).

I can't remember the NVR password. I am aiming to reset to the factory setting and start again, but it's not obvious to this numpty! I am about to throw the whole thing in the bin.

Any Help please?
Any advice please?

Can't see the images my iPhone because the NVR can't see the wifi, and am trying to reset the Password. The NVR was set up without any default emails or the ability to send a GUID (whatever that is!).

I can't remember the NVR password. I am aiming to reset to the factory setting and start again, but it's not obvious to this numpty! I am about to throw the whole thing in the bin.

Any Help please?
If you can get into the menu to perform a factory reset that's easy enough, but unless your currently logged in as admin you won't be able to get to the menu to reset it (NVRs don't have a reset button). As Hikvision support generally won't deal with end users, you'll need to employ an installer to reset it. They will use their approved suppliers tech support to obtain a reset file which will clear the existing password.
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