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Hik-Connect "No more connections are allowed for the device" / "maximum channels under playback reached"?


Well-Known Member
I’ve had a look at similar posts but don’t seem to see any solution to the problem.

I was trying to view some event playbacks even just looking through the days history on Hik-Connect and I get either of those 2 errors in the title and can’t view any playback video.

My NVR is not upto date with the latest due to the green screen issue but is one version below the latest and is a DS-7608NI-I2/8P 12MP 8 port. 4.51.025

I have 5 DS-2CD2387G2-LU 8MP. These are all on the latest firmware.

Yesterday I was able to view playback but today now I can’t.

Has anyone experienced the same issue and know how to resolve? I will do a reboot when I get home and see if that works but don’t want to have to rely on doing that all the time.

My only guess is the camera settings and fps etc may not be handled by the NVR but not 100% sure
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I have this happen on a regular, but not frequent, basis with Hikconnect. Here's what happens:

Occasionally when I ask Hikconnect to view a camera, it goes to 90% or so and then hangs, then times out. I back out of it and move on. At some point down the road it happens again with another camera - it hangs, I back out and move on. My theory is that these "hangs" somehow keep that channel "open" in Hikconnect and when you reach 8 "open" then it says no more feeds are available. When I reboot the NVR it resets things and it's happy.

The "no more channels" error only pops up after I've had several of the live view "hangs" over a period of time. I really have no other explanation as to how this can happen.
That does make sense but weird there’s no way to close that channel if it hangs. That would be nice.

This only happened since I added a 5th camera. Never saw this when I had 4 but maybe it was just a coincidence.

Do you open ports to do this remotely? I wasn’t away for very long but it really annoyed me. That I don’t want this to happen again.
I've been having exactly the same problem, same cameras, keeps saying 'no more connections allowed on this device'

4x DS-2CD2387GU

Had to downgrade the firmware back two because of the green screen issue.
I've got the same NVR but 8 of those cameras, so it's not the NVR I don't think. I really do think it's a Hikconnect issue.
Yer I think you are right. It has to be a hik connect issue. Funnily enough I never saw this issue before until I upgraded to the latest version recently but you sound like you’ve had this issue a lot so seems like it’s a issue that’s been around for a while
The problem seems worse when I use H264 or H265, it improves with H264+ or H265+, but then the playback is jumpy.
I only use h265. I found smart events weren’t as reliable on h265+. It’s annoying as I’ve just invested in this system but simple things are a pain.
Mine wont work with H265, that's when when the no more connections allowed on this device comes on!
Really wish Hikvision would sort this out it's very annoying
alright Geordie mate, at a guess about every 2month, mines just a home system setup, only 3 cams but had this problem since installed. Stumbled across this post after adding 3rd camera and got the dreaded too many devices warning. It varies how often I use/connect to them, as fullboogie said if it struggles connecting it seems to get stuck after about 8 attempts, then once rebooted it works ok. Definitely a bug in the system mate
I got this issue when I added the 8mp 4k camera. Was fine before. That's the same time I got the green screen issue and stepped back on the firmware that caused all my issues.