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Firmware New firmware V4.76.015_240108 for Accusense K series NVRs


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New firmware V4.76.015_240108 for Accusense K series available on Global Hikvision webside for DS-76xxNXI models K2 and above.

There is no Release Note for this firmware and the size of the new firmware(152MB) is 25MB less than the size of previous firmware v4.76.005.231012(177MB)
1st issue for this firmware:

DS-KV6113WPE1(A) non accusense Doorbell, connected on DS-7608NXI-K2 :

All Smart Events(SMD), except Line Crossing, that are set either by iVMS4200 or by the NVR GUI, are lost after reboot of the NVR.
After reboot, Drawn regions for both Intrusion Detection and Region (Entrance/Exiting) are missing on NVR and iVMS4200 live view.
Strange thing is that Settings seem to be Enabled.
Target is not detected on above areas, while targets are detected OK for Line Crossing.
Pressing simply Save button on settings by iVMS, or pressing Apply on NVR settings, brings back by magic all regions that where drawn before and detection works fine again. Until Reboot
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Continuous Recording for two ColorVu (G5 plarform) and one DS-KV6113WPE1 (Event recording at day time, Continuous at night)

NVR Playback - Using Edge, Firefox or Chrome Web UI

a) "Person" and "Vehicle" not selected:

Motion Detection, Intrusion Detection, Line Crossing Detection markers missing after Search

b) "Person" and "Vehicle" selected:

"Person" and "Vehicle" markers appear

c) iVMS, Camera Playback, has exactly the same behaviour
but also has the option to Event Playback, Motion or Smart (VCA?) which is Ok

d) KV6113 doorbell has the same problem when continuous Recorded(night), but does not have this problem when only Event Recording(day). All markers, non H/V Events, Human and Vehicle are visible when only Event recording.


  • doorbellNVR.png
    46.2 KB · Views: 93
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Issue remains the same for local GUI of DS-7608NXI-K2 and this firmware:

Pre-record(or Event start) delay issue for Playback-Event is NOT fixed, for Continuous Recording.
Pre-record at Advanced Parameter at Configuration - Schedule - Camera No. xx DOES NOT change the pre record time.
Setting for Pre-Record 5-10-15-20-25-30 has no effect.
Event Marker and auto Event Playback has a -3 to -5 seconds of delay.

Could this specific problem, that I see, concerns only me and few others since this is not a very popular NVR, be due to installed SSDs instead of compatible HDDs?
Could this specific problem, that I see, concerns only me and few others since this is not a very popular NVR, be due to installed SSDs instead of compatible HDDs?
I would think it unlikely that using SSDs instead of standard HDDs would cause a problem, but there's only one way to be sure ...
Today, almost 20 days after firmware release v4.76.015_240108, there was a K20A9_V4.76.015 build240125_ReleaseNotes
I downloaded the pdf file and by surprise I saw that it refers to a

Network Video Recorder
Version: V4.76.005 build231012
Release Note


Firmware Version: V4.76.015 build240125

The release notes seem to be new, but they do not pertain(not related) to the firmware released and available for download
Yes @johnfitzy. Also the Related product list in Release Notes, is completely wrong:
This is for DS-7xxxNI-Kx and xP (D/E)
Non acusense and not NXI-K series

I really wonder what they are doing !!!!!
Have a look at this