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Neighbours camera displays light but there is not physical light on


New Member
My neighbours have also installed cameras on their property. However they have installed it very high and now it over looks into my backyard. so my lower camera essentially catches the view of their new bullet camera. Their camera is a smart hybrid one and I noticed on my screen their camera shines a bright light but if I actually go outside and look there is no light but it is shining on my hikconnect and my monitor when viewing my camera in the backyard. Does anyone know why this is? How to solve it?

My dome camera is 1080p IR - cheapie but it's been working for me. The image setting is on B&W I think because it switches to B&W at night. But I cannot check this because my iris does not want to pull up the menu for the camera. I just created a separate post asking about this. The iris works on my other 2 camera but not on this one and another one. All of which are same 1080p and I'm trying to find out why it's doing that.

I need to access that menu from the camera to check the IR settings and what it is currently on. Can someone please help me?
Hi @stanceworks54 - just to confirm, are you seeing what you describe below at night, while your camera is in black and white mode? Also, is this bright light constantly shining from your neighbour's camera?
Their camera is a smart hybrid one and I noticed on my screen their camera shines a bright light but if I actually go outside and look there is no light but it is shining on my hikconnect and my monitor when viewing my camera in the backyard.
As Kyle says this is simply your camera picking up the infra red light from your neighbours camera. The wavelength of the infra-red light (typically 850 nM) means that it's practically invisible to the naked eye (usually you'll just see a feint red glow)
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