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Lines in CCTV Video Stream


New Member
I have attached 1 image.
Click here to open a video recording of the error that I'm facing

An old experience:
First, in another location, i installed CCTV by myself. Each camera was 2MP. In that setup, I first used one CCTV Centralized Power Supply 12V 15A, for 4 cameras. Both the cameras and the power supply were manufactured by some cheap chinese brand. It had this same issue. I was able fix it by removing the central power supply, and then i connected each camera to a discrete cctv power supply of its own (12V 2A each). The 4 power supply boxes for the 4 cameras were kept near the DVR. The power wires carried 12V. Each wire was like 15-25 meters, and it all worked fine.

The current issue:
Now, in this location, just because i managed to screw up my first installation, i have gave it a team of professionals. This time, the cameras are made by a recognized chinese brand, "Hik Vision" (at least from where i am from). The wiring for the CCTV has been done within the walls safely (we literally would have to break the wall to have access to those wires again). For the wires, we used the best Hik Vision wires that were available in the market at the time of purchase. 2 cameras are within 10-15 meters from the DVR. The other 2 cameras (from the total 4 cameras) are within 20-25 meters from the DVR. This carried both power and data in one cable (has both a seperate power cable and another cable for data inside it, covered in rubber, like a 2 in 1 cable kind of thing). This cable has a very small diameter compared to running our own coax cable and our own power sable separately (but it was the best cable that i could find). After all the wiring had been done by a different team, we called the CCTV team to fix it. When I told my previous experience with a Centralized power supply, they just neglected it and installed one of them. (This power supply is also from a chinese brand that, when googled, has no online presence at all). Now, this setup also has that same issue. They told me that its because of the bad wiring job done by the previous team. One of the 4 cameras work fine (its the second closest to the DVR). The other three has lines on it. Even the recorded media has those lines, i have checked with both Playback and also with the Web UI. Should i try what i did previously?

Additional Pricing Information:
When talking about the central power supplies available in Sri Lanka (where im from), it kind of makes sense to not work. lol. Compare the pricing:
Central Power Supply 12V 15A - 4000 LKR ~ 12 USD
A normal power supply 12 2A - 2500 LKR ~ 8 USD
like "how????"

The budget is not a concern here. What can i do to fix it?


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