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Is there a real difference between the DS-2CD2T87G2-L and DS-2CD2087G2-LU cameras?


New Member
I bought two DS-2CD2087G2-LU cameras and I want to buy more, but by chance I watched a YouTube video comparing them and I was shocked by the result. There was a big difference in reading the numbers and distant letters. I am now confused between the two cameras. Is this difference real or does it have a problem because the specifications on paper are very similar, the only difference is the light distance. The same sensor 1/1.2 I don't know what you think. This is the video link. Is the video old and has this been fixed in the new versions?

I can buy DS-2CD2T87G2-LSU/SL because DS-2CD2T87G2-L is not available but there is a difference in price. Is it worth it or do both cameras offer the same quality?
Hi @ameer

It's an interesting video, we've never tested these models side by side so we were not aware that there is quite a significant image difference when on default settings, the reason for this is probably that Hikvision has used a different model/generation of lens and/or sensor in each of these models.

In regards to which model to go for, I think he sums it up in the video. Unless you had these cameras side by side yourself you would probably be happy with the 2087G2 image, he also does say that this was an "out of the box" test so there is a slim chance that some of the default image settings can be slightly different between models & firmware versions.

I think with the adjustment of some image & video settings on the cameras, you could get much more similar results from both cameras. Our recommendation would be to buy 1 x 2T87G2 model to test alongside the 2087G2 you already have, play around with the settings, and see which gives you the best results for your particular scene.
Thank you @Dan
for the reply. Unfortunately, I was disappointed with Hikvision after watching the video. Because the camera is expensive, and before buying the camera, I searched the company's website for details. Everything was similar, even there was no hint of a difference between the two cameras. Yes, I decided to buy the 2t87g2 and I will test the two cameras myself and I will write here if there is a difference between them or not, and I will try to post the results. I am new to the site and I want to extend a special thanks to you because I benefited a lot from your answers to the previous topics.
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You can see a big difference in clarity/sharpness between the two cameras in that video. However there is something amiss at 4:33 when looking at the number plates...the left hand image that isn't clear, is clearly stretched to the wrong aspect and so will distort. It's the same in the next shot showing the test target - the left hand target appears to be oval not round. It makes me wonder whether the resolution is set the same on both cameras and whether the monitor is doing a 'fit to screen' causing that.
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I took it seriously because he seems to be an expert and his channel is about cameras and the differences between them. He definitely knows how to adjust the settings. The best thing to do is to check for yourself. I will buy the new one this week and check the results.