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Intrusion detection smart events in "corridor" mode?


Hi - does Hikvision have any plans to enable smart events such as intrusion detection in "corridor" mode?

I'm using a 4mm DS-2CD2346G2-ISU/SL to monitor a narrow alley down the side of my house.

The "corridor" mode is excellent in focusing on just the narrow section that I need.

But I found that when corridor mode is enabled most of the smart events are disabled, including intrusion detection which I'm using the automatically monitor for someone entering the alley and enabling the audio/visual alerts.

It would be great if Hikvision could enable these features in corridor mode, unless there is some setting I'm missing?

Hi @montydon

The lack of Smart Events when using "corridor mode" has been a long-standing thing for Hikvision and as far as we know, there are no plans to add more smart events to the "corridor mode".
Thanks @Dan. That's a real shame. It's such a waste having a horizontal perspective for a vertical view along an alley! Unfortunately I don't want to disable the smart event features, they were the primary reason for choosing Hikvision.