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Hik-Connect Hik connect on my nvr not working out of blue?


Help please. I recently had an hdd exception and managed to recover the hdd even though it was not showing on the nvr.
It failed again so I am replacing the hard drive and have sent it away.

Well today, out of the blue, I can no longer view live on my hik connect.
It had been working fine (it's just that I have no play back, I already know with the missing hard drive till I install the new one).
When I go to my settings and run a test on the nvr it says hik connect offline.

There is internet and the router is fine and no setting have been touched on the nvr.
Is hik connect down possibly?

I can see my live feeds on my attached monitor to the nvr.
The nvr is ds-7608nxi-k2/8p.
With the most up to date firmware version too.
Also when i log into the system via ip address on my browser it takes forever and is not working correctly. Is there something with their servers.. as my internet is fine.
Thank yo uso much
Hi @Ontario213, there's a chance that the NVR has been blacklisted mistakenly from the Hik-Connect servers, which they'll be able to sort out - we've had this before when jumping between major firmware updates or hard resetting an NVR.

But, before anything...
  • Check that your DNS servers are set in the network settings of the NVR ( and if in any doubt).
  • Make sure the gateway address is set correctly (it should be your router's IP, but you can toggle DHCP on/off to get this automatically).
  • What is the server address set as on the platform access page?
  • What is the firmware version installed on the NVR (there may be a bug with this specific version)?
thank you so much!

I checked everything and all is as you mentioned and described. But I did another hard boot again for the fourth time but left the nvr off for 2 minutes and now all is good and working and showing live feed on my app.

The strange thing is my nvr beeps when there is motion detected now, even though I went to exemptions and unchecked all the boxes because originally I would get a beeping from me removing my faulty hard drive till I get my replacement.

Did I miss something somewhere to stop the beeping?
Do I need to do it under exemptions for smart and etc folders too?

Thank you so much everyone.

Also hikvision support told me nvrs cannot be blacklisted
No worries :)

Check in the Linkage Method menu for your event(s) - you probably have 'buzzer' ticked for one which is causing the beeping.