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Help! Firmware update broke ANPR detection


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I am hoping someone can help/advise me? I recently updated a couple of ANPR cameras:

DS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZS (H3 firmware) to V5.6.12 build 200729 from here.

The cameras were purchased with V5.6.11 firmware on them so I thought this was the correct updated firmware (I could not find anything else).

But that has now completely broken all ANPR detection! The camera is working but no ANPR hits at all and no real-time results showing.

If I go to the `Road Traffic` section of the web config I can see the `Country/Region dropdown is blank (regardless of what is selected in `Region` (in my case `Europe Region`. And attempting to save and config changes just gives me a `Paremeter error`. I am guessing as I can't choose a valid `Country/Region`.

As there is no 5.6.11 firmware on the UK portal I can't even downgrade back to that firmware so not sure what to do...
Generally, Hikvision devices will not allow you to update with the wrong firmware for the device.

Have you cycled the power to the camera since the update?
Generally, Hikvision devices will not allow you to update with the wrong firmware for the device.

Have you cycled the power to the camera since the update?
I am not physically able to cycle power until tomorrow but I have tried rebooting both via the web interface and via an ISAPI reboot call. The cameras do reboot but no change to the ANPR/parameter errors.
I tried power-cycle and no change.

Then I actually found I had a previously downloaded firmware V5.6.11 build 200609 (so the cameras must have come with different firmware and I must have updated to that). So I updated to that firmware and I am very pleased that it took the firmware without any issues and without any reset or change of settings.

Instantly the ANPR is working again and I can see the Detection Configuration dropdown menus are all present and correct and I can once again save settings. Phew!

Does anyone know what the "P" in the DS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZS means as the release notes list hundreds of different models but none with "P" in them. So I was wondering if that's the reason the newer firmware did not work with my cameras?
The "P" just means that it is an ANPR model :)

I.e. the DS-2CD7A26G0-IZS is the "non-P" version, which has the same hardware but firmware that isn't optimised for reading/recognising number plates, which is what you originally installed, and why you lost the ANPR features.

The ANPR firmware is easier to find in the EU portal, which also has all of the most recent releases, whereas the UK portal does not:
Hikvision EU Portal: H3 platform(5xxx,7xxx,6924,6DX4,8426) » DS-2CD7xxx'P ANPR

There is actually a newer version you can update to here too:
V5.6.11_210108(The latest)
Amazing, thanks @Kyle that's good to know.

It's a bit odd that you can buy HikVision P version ANPR cameras in the UK but HikVision does not seem to have any firmware for them on the UK portal...
Thanks - I did look there and assumed that was old camera stuff as like you say nothing recent there. They also have another area titled "ANPR(P models)" here which again is old stuff! Hikvision is a nightmare with firmware!

I know it's nothing to do with you but why HikVision can't provide a sensible unified portal is beyond me. Most other manufacturers have a firmware links from product pages and/or a search facility where you can enter a product code or serial number and find exactly the firmware you need. Some product pages have firmware links but most don't. Some firmwares have release notes, but most don't. etc. etc.
I know, it's a pain but we do nag them, especially about the lack of release notes!