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DS-KIS603 - Troubles calling using SIP mode with master station IP entered


New Member
Hey everyone,

I have the DS-KIS603 kit in my hands which consists of a DS-KV6113-WPE1 video intercom and a DS-KH6320-WTE1 indoor station

The kit is fantastic and looks just as good, if not better than the 'cloud' doorbells/intercoms on offer.

Both the intercom and indoor station are in SIP mode, so that a number of devices can be called if the user is not in the property. When using SIP alone in conjunction with soft clients, the video feed of the intercom can be seen on the video call and works great. The indoor station can also receive SIP calls from the intercom however the video feed does not show.

It was recommended to enter the "Master Station IP Address" into the intercom config so users can make use of the live view and video calling capabilities via the screen alongside SIP fallback for the soft clients. I noticed when I save the configuration on the intercom that live view seems to work fine, but any button presses on the intercom result in a "Call failed" audio message. No SIP calls are made and the indoor station does not ring.

Has anyone else had this issue before? The ideal would be to use the standard Hikvision functionality on the indoor station with SIP as a fallback/second+ calling option.
