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Camera adjusts white-balance when I view in hik-connect


Well-Known Member
I had an older camera 2CD2143G0-I that works perfectly fine, before it was removed. I installed a 8MP in its place and decided to use this in-place of a basic 4mp ip camera (1143G0). Since in NVR I have cameras setup in a specific order, I just updated the IP address of existing channel to this camera's IP.

It's working fine except that whenever I open hik-connect app and view this camera (open mutli-view), for first couple of seconds, this camera seems to be adjusting white-balance - sometimes there is dark yellow tint, sometimes dark green tint, which adjusts to proper color in a couple of seconds. I've tried setting the white-balance to different modes, AWB1, Locked WB, Natural Light but its still happening. Any idea what might be the issue here?
Where are you setting the white balance modes - via the native NVR interface or via NVR web interface or via the camera web interface?

The only thing I can suggest to try is checking/setting camera settings but on the actual native NVR interface. I have not had issues with white balance but I have had a few issues in the past with stream resolution settings where I set settings via camera web interface but they didn't "stick" I check again later and the setting has changed back. It turned out that the NVR was changing the settings. So actually making the setting changes I wanted on the native NVR interface made sure the setting stuck! Not sure why, I guess a bug or problem with compatibility between NVR and cameras.
The problem isn't settings being lost. The issue is that whenever I view camera in HIk-connect, in the first 3-4 seconds it seems like its adjusting white-balance, after that it settles down to correct white balance. This never happened to this camera when it was installed at a different location in our house. Also, the older camera installed at this location didn't do that either. That's whats puzzling.

PS. It's happening at day & night, so definitely not a local lighting issue either.
It's not a common issue that we're aware of, but I'd guess that the problem is linked to the camera itself rather than the NVR, or a compatibility issue between it and the NVR like @codlord mentions.

It's still worth checking the camera's own setting and making sure it matches whatever's set at the NVR level - we've seen that when these settings differ it can cause strange behaviour.

Also, I'd definitely try a hard reset of the camera if you haven't already (after a firmware update if there's one available - the latest it V5.6.821_230831), as defaulting the camera often resolves weird glitches like this.