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AX PRO ax-pro how to exclude 24h silent alarms from alarm calls?

Hikvision's AX PRO intruder alarm systems


Hi, hope someone knows the solution...

So, we are interested in using the automation options of the AX-Pro. E.g. a zone alarm is linked to a relay which triggers something in the home-automation. Works all fine, great.

However, HIK "forgot" to implement a zone type for "automation", which would link only the incoming zone to trigger the actor (relay) without any unnecessary additional alarming.

Now the only choice we seem to have is to set it as 24h silent alarm. BTW together with e.g. all PIRs which are used for switching lights.

Not a big deal, we can put them all in a "24h area" and hide this area in the hik-connect of the user.

However, now the dealbreaker is coming:
Of course the user wants to get a phone call from the axpro if something is happening.
Ok, configured that.

What is happening now is that with any pseudo alarm (24h silent) a phone call is triggered, thus, he gets a call for e.g. every time the thermometer is triggering at a special temperature. wow!

But it seems to be impossible to exclude those unwanted zones or alarms.
It would be easy to bind the call e.g. to the siren, but this is not configurable in AX-PRO.

You can exclude the zone alarm and only include panic, fire button pressed etc. But of course that makes the user not happy, because no phone call would be triggered if e.g. a window is broken for intrusion.

Does anyone know how to get rid of the phone calls for the 24h silent alarms?
Or configure the automation in a way that the linked actor is working, but no general alarm is triggered?

Many thanks!!!