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  1. Kyle

    FAQ Why does my Gmail email address no longer work for receiving email notifications from my CCTV equipment?

    As of the 30th May 2022, Google has removed the support for use of third-party apps or devices which can use your Gmail address using only your normal username and password. Google's statement about it is here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en As CCTV equipment is a...
  2. P

    SMTP Email Test/Setup

    Hi all. I just bought a house with the Hikvision system (cameras and DVR unit). I have gotten all my cameras reset and on my network. I am able to access my DVR administration from my Web browser. Now I am trying to configure email. I want to use my Gmail smtp configuration but cannot get a...
  3. E

    SMTP issue - DS-7716N-E4/16P

    I seem to have som weird issue with my network. In the end of July I stopped getting notification emails. I had a 7108 NVR then but upgraded to a 7716 last week. I cannot get the email notification to work. Even called my ISP to check if they blocked me or something. I do NOT use google gmail...