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  1. JB1970

    Firmware DS-KV6113 - New Firmware Build

    I noticed yesterday that there's a new firmware build for the DS-KV6113 intercom (c revision). There's no change to the firmware version (2.2.65), but there's a new build date. This is now the third build date: 2.2.65_build230504 2.2.65_build230703 2.2.65_build231213 The 230703 build added...
  2. S

    Door Entry Hikvision kv6113 pre-sales questions?

    Hi everyone. I'm interested in buying the hikvision ds-kv 6113 wpe1 (c) and have some questions. 1. From what i gathered after update 2.1.5 the unit can be directly connected to hik connect and doesn't need a monitor any longer. Is this accurate? 2. If i connect it directly and do not use a...
  3. O

    Door Entry DS-KV6113 network unstable?

    Hi, I have installed a DS-KIS603-P kit, and initially it was all working fine. The KV6113 is set up to connect via WiFi and is connected to Hik-connect directly, and calls the indoor station. Recently, when trying to view the KV6113 via his-connect app it keeps coming up with "Network...
  4. MrNorm

    DS-KIS603 - Troubles calling using SIP mode with master station IP entered

    Hey everyone, I have the DS-KIS603 kit in my hands which consists of a DS-KV6113-WPE1 video intercom and a DS-KH6320-WTE1 indoor station The kit is fantastic and looks just as good, if not better than the 'cloud' doorbells/intercoms on offer. Both the intercom and indoor station are in SIP...