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  1. K

    Door Entry Problem with Access Control DS-K2801 connected to a ProxPoint Plus 6005 HID?

    Hi, you set wiegand correctly? Wiegand 26/34 in controller is correctly set? It will beep because it has power and you use right card frequency. But it doesn't mean it commnunicate with controller.
  2. K

    Moved into a new house - how do the previous system owners unbind my Hikvision system please?

    Yeah, you don't have to much options. When you look at that, you need to change working device because of something very "stupid".
  3. K

    Door Entry Delay in opening door?

    I have same problems with DS-KD8003-IME1 and DS-KD-M. Will connect later today and see logs. Is there some delay between events MINOR_CARD_PASS, DOOR_UNLOCK and DOOR_LOCK.
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    Moved into a new house - how do the previous system owners unbind my Hikvision system please?

    Explanation from them : due to security reason, for device which add to EZVIZ cloud, we stop the self-unbind for the device, which protocol is V1.7, for device which protocol is V2.0, customer could still unbind by himself. 2、 How to determine whether the access protocol of the device is 1.7...
  5. K

    Moved into a new house - how do the previous system owners unbind my Hikvision system please?

    You can try to upgrade to latest FW, reboot and then go into adding to your account. You must be on same network. Last step will tell you on what account the device is added. You will have button to unbind it. Hope it will help you. If you have older device you won't be able to unbind it...
  6. K

    Door Entry RS485 Connection to Villa Door Station?

    Hello, how did it go? Have you managed to solve the problem?
  7. K

    Door Entry RS485 Connection to Villa Door Station?

    Hi, go full factory default. After that you should see that option.
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    Door Entry RS485 Connection to Villa Door Station?

    Hi, this is a bit old manual but have you tried this? http://ftp.hikvision.ru/03.%20Documents/01.%20How%20to%20documents/04.%20Video%20Intercom/How%20to%20connect%20card%20reader%20to%20villa%20door%20station.pdf
  9. K

    Door Entry Help needed for Intercom DS-KD8003?

    Yes they will work perfectly :) just before everything upgrade to latest FW and do factory default.
  10. K

    Door Entry Help needed for Intercom DS-KD8003?

    6320-WTE1 is all the same like 6320-TE1. Only difference is that WiFI module JB1970 said. Both of them works with KD8003-IME1. You have 8003-IME1 and 6320-TE1 on same PoE switch? If you want hikconnect to work you need to connect your router with your switch via cable.If you have 6320-WTE1 you...
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    Door Entry Help needed for Intercom DS-KD8003?

    You are right, smaller villa door 6113 also have ability to use hik-connect without indoor station.
  12. K

    iVMS-4200 problems with Hikvision video intercom

    Hi, HIK intercoms are quite interesting topic. My recomendation is to upgarde FW to latest and restore to factory. And use latest IVMS! I see in first post you said that you are using version 3.1.1. It's too old, IVMS can't recognise all the features in programming.
  13. K

    Door Entry Help needed for Intercom DS-KD8003?

    Hi, Modular outdoor intercoms don't have option to directly connect to platform. You will need to buy indoor unit. Villa door station have options for platform access, but only model with one button. DS-KV8113-WME1
  14. K

    Door Entry Video intercom - dual keypad and other questions

    Hi nicobar. If you set second outdoor unit as outer door station she behaves like slave outdoor unit. So you need to link it to main door station. In device management of master outdoor unit you need to link master to slave.
  15. K

    Door Entry Video intercom - dual keypad and other questions

    Videos are lost if you reboot it, because it is saved in flash memory. But if you have TF card it won't be lost. I'm not sure video will be saved. Only audio messages and screenshots of visitors. Yes that true, but i believe you can record motion detection on NVR. You don't need to loose so...
  16. K

    Hikvision - Why can't I unbind my older recorder? any bypass?

    Hi z0re. We as a official distributor in Croatia need to send devices to HIK HQ here. We also don't have any other option. Differences in platform version caused those problems.
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    Door Entry Video intercom - dual keypad and other questions

    Hi, you can have two keypads. With newer FW on outdoor unit you can add users and says what card opens what relay. And by default address 1 on module opens relay 1 and address 2 opens relay 2. TF card is used for storing pictures and videos. Indoor unit saves both of them on flash, but if you...
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    Door Entry DS-KD8003 Guest vs. Owner passwords?

    Hi petefinity. I'm afraid you can't do that for passwords. You can create schedule on persons and cards. If you can add password to person in iVMS and create schedule for that person... But if i remeber correctly passwords are not included in that option.
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    Hikvision - Why can't I unbind my older recorder? any bypass?

    Hi Dinosaur. Are you sure about factory default? Usually devices don't unbind themself after factory. Only way was if user delete's it from account. Or SADP or Hik-Connect.
  20. K

    Hik-Connect Hik-connect LAN vs cloud?

    Hi @Munu8744, if you add it through SN it will always be through cloud. Because adding was made through SN, not through IP address. If you add it through IP it will be visible when you are at your local network but won't be when you are away.