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  1. D

    Hikvision Corner Mount Brackets

    Hi All has anyone used the corner mount bracket I have tried to install one a few times with the supplied nuts and end up giving up and using others it seems to be the below steps 1) mark the holes based on putting the bracket in place 2) drill holes 3) insert bolts leaving last bit out...
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    ANPR Wiegand Output

    thanks looks like I may need to order a new model for this project
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    ANPR Wiegand Output

    V5.4.5 build 170302 obtained via Hik monthly the newer firmware was found here ftp://ftp.hikvision.com/ANPR/ but it references the newer model
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    ANPR Wiegand Output

    thanks getting a firmware upgrade file mismatch < the camera is already using ANPR firmware but can't find the option the guide mentions
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    ANPR Wiegand Output

    Morning all I have a DS-2CD4A25FWD-IZS I have been looking to integrate it with my Paxton system to automate access to the car park I have found a document but it seems to reference DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZS I assume this is the newer model ANPR camera is there anyway I can link my old one or will I...
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    Latest HikVision Firmware for -I NVRs - new V4.1.70 (76XX, 77XX, 96XX NI-I) - updated 7th May 2019

    is anyone having issues with the NVR rebooting unless off the network since this update Further update to this I have downgraded the firmware and the issue has resolved
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    IP Camera linked to Wireless Bridge

    HI all I have a bit of a strange issue I have been asked to provide Cameras along a line about 1600 m long can I connect Hik cameras to wireless bridges (Poe injectors will be used ) and still link them back to the NVR
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    IVMS4500 alternative ? (with push motion detection support)

    Hik Connect will allow for the push notification (depending on the camera) the option should be under Network, advanced settings , Not sure how it will work on just one camera
  9. D

    IVMS4500 alternative ? (with push motion detection support)

    do you have an NVR or just cameras and using the IVMS on a central Machine , would recommend Hik Connect if you can use it
  10. D

    Identifying NVR and Camera types

    Your NVR is a K series I believe (DS-7604NI-K1) The K at the end indicates the Series this one your camera I believe is a G1 Series this one Phil can you confirm
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    Need some recommendations on new setup for NVR + Cameras

    Is there any difference between the WD purple and the Seagate Skyhawk drives? Be careful with the mounting position of the ANPR camera as if it's on an angle to the cars you may suffer from plate reading issues if possible mount in the middle and angle down no more the 30 degrees ( based on...
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    How to Backup from NVR

    have you tried using the remote backup tool? this can be set to schedule backup ( i use to export a copy to an offline storage location ) Tools - Hikvision Europe
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    Hik-Connect HiK Connect app causes NVR to report Illegal Login

    so tried with HIK COnnect and IVMS 4500 both not working Uninstalled both and rebooted phone then reinstalled Hik Connect, Now not getting an illegal login and can see the NVR but if i try to get live View I get Error Code: 241008 if I try viewing a recording I get 245500
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    Hik-Connect HiK Connect app causes NVR to report Illegal Login

    thanks gave them a try , still doing the same. strangely it will also refuse to reconnect after a power cut unless i delete the device and re-add it
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    Hik-Connect HiK Connect app causes NVR to report Illegal Login

    I have just setup the Hik Connect app. I am able to connect to cameras on the NVR and view the live view, however, every time I do the NVR reports illegal Login I know the password is correct as if i enter an incorrect one it wont let me view the camera at all Any ideas
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    cables needed for newly aquired cctv system.

    do you have a picture of the ports on the main unit?
  17. D

    Downloading Images from NVR

    Hi all I have a DS7716NI that is connected to 3 cameras. One of these cameras is set to take an Image once an hour. If i connect to the NVR remotely I can download the Images 100 at a time is there any way to download all the images in one go either remotely or Via IVMS thanks
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    DS-7716NI-I4 Camera Quality Storage calculation

    Never mind I found the Option via IVMS
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    DS-7716NI-I4 Camera Quality Storage calculation

    Hi Guys I'm sure I remember being able to see a calculation of daily storage requirements for my cameras when connected to the NVR that changed based on me editing the settings. Unfortunately, I can no longer find this function. Has anyone used this and can point me in the right direction I am...
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    DS-7716NI-I4/16P - Backup to NAS

    Hi Guys I have a HikVision NVR that runs with 24tb across 4 drives, I want to backup the previous day's recordings to a NAS so that if there are any issues with the drives I have a backup. I can't seem to find instructions in the manual. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks