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  1. C

    What impact does Region / Country have on camera setup?

    The camera comes in 2 lens versions: 2.8 to 12mm or 8 to 30mm. Capturing at distances with the lesser zoom 2.8 to 12mm version is possible but you probably want the camera zoomed to the max. the 8 to 30mm would be better. And yes, the snapshot photo can *usually* be manually read. I setup the...
  2. C

    What impact does Region / Country have on camera setup?

    I don't know the answer to your question but the "Country/Region" setting under the "Road Traffic" options does not change the GUI language. FYI mine (in UK) are set to "UK" and there is also a further setting "UK Region Rules" with options "England/Scotland/Wales" or "Republic of Ireland". I...
  3. C

    Allowing access only to certain cameras?

    1) I asked this ages ago and the answer unfortunately seems to be no, it's all-or-nothing. Like you I wanted a "view only" user for a few cameras only, e.g. a site neighbour whose land some of our cameras look onto. But there does not seem to be any facility to restrict a users access - they...
  4. C

    Question on ANPR camera

    Yes. To give an example, I have one ANPR camera setup monitoring a yard. In an ideal world the ANPR camera would be placed covering the single entrance/exit road but that was not possible. So I mounted the camera covering the whole yard. It's far from ideal of course as it's covering a large...
  5. C

    Question on ANPR camera

    The HikVision ANPR cameras will pick up plates at all sorts of angles although you probably get the best results with cameras straight ahead. None of my ANPR cameras are looking at traffic straight ahead (there is just no mount point to allow for that) and some of my ANPR cameras are on...
  6. C

    Question on ANPR camera

    It depends on what you mean by "location". The newest ANPR cameras I have are DS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZS (H3 firmware) and I think they do support 1-4 "lanes" of traffic. e.g. if pointing at a road with 2 lanes of traffic it can be configured to capture plates from both lanes. I have never used those...
  7. C

    Idea re the placement of the OSD record icon

    Do you mean in iVMS-4200 or somewhere else? If you don't need the record icon (e.g. if like me you have continuous recording so it's pointless having it showing on iVMS) then there is an option in the config to not show it at all. I can't remember right now which option it is but take a look.
  8. C

    Converting Hikvision footage with Handbrake - frustrations

    What error do you get from VLC? What version of VLC do you have? I only ask as I can open HikVision exported videos in VLC from various types of HikVision NVR/cameras. Today I tried VLC v3.0.19 on Linux as well as the universal "app" version of VLC v3.1.2.0 on Windows 11. The app version gives...
  9. C

    iVMS-4200 iVMS 4200 (V3.8.0.4) Hanging on Windows 11?

    A slight potential warning on this topic for people in the UK - I mistakenly downloaded the latest iVMS version from the Hikvision Global site when "Global EN" was selected (V3.10.6_E). It installed (on Windows 11 Pro) but as soon as live view starts the DecodeProcess.exe used 100% of CPU and it...
  10. C

    Firmware Hikvision Portal - Firmware been removed?

    I asked about this this same issue recently see: Is HikVision UK Portal now dead/obsolete? I don't know if it's something HikVision have done or some mis-configuration but for me it seems that IF I can manage to go to the non-https website HIKVISION UK PORTAL then the portal works but on most...
  11. C

    Is HikVision UK Portal now dead/obsolete?

    @JB1970 thanks, I think it's a DNS or Browser redirection issue. Basically if I can get to the http site it works but some PC's/browsers seemingly always redirect to the https:// site regardless of if I specify http:// or just start with www. Probably a browser or DNS caching issue. In this...
  12. C

    Is HikVision UK Portal now dead/obsolete?

    Tried 2 more PC's in the office with weird results: Alternate Windows PC - Edge: Portal only shows Software Tools. Alternate Windows PC - Firefox: Portal works as expected. Alternate Linux PC - Firefox: Portal works as expected. So the portal is still there and does still work but only for...
  13. C

    Is HikVision UK Portal now dead/obsolete?

    @Dan and @JB1970 thanks for the info. Right now if I click on your link above (HIKVISION UK PORTAL) it redirects me to https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/uk/portal/ and it shows a portal but with only Home -> portal -> Software -> Software Tools with a few tools, no other directories or anything...
  14. C

    MacOS Download footage from ivms-4200 and play it on VLC?

    I'd like to know if this is possible too. I had the same issue with the police recently. I just sent the files and hoped they had software to play it... If you download via iVMS-4200 there is an option to download a HikVision player which works for me locally, but it's not possible (or sensible...
  15. C

    Is HikVision UK Portal now dead/obsolete?

    For the last week or so when I go to the UK portal I either get an error page with some HikVision email links or a portal site with seemingly no Firmware. And it can change minute to minute for some reason. Does anyone know if the UK portal being retired? Links are...
  16. C

    iVMS-4200 IP Camera Recording not visible via iVMS-4200?

    Not sure if it's the same issue or not, but I had an issue this week with one of my NVRs giving the "no record file found" in iVMS playback. The calendar chooser in playback showed that there were recordings present for the date/s in question (the small blue triangles on the calendar dates), but...
  17. C

    Firmware What is the difference between devices from different countries whose firmware does not fit the same model from a different country?

    Some differences will be country specific such as legal requirements/restrictions for different Countries, and other basic differences such as languages etc. But I suspect the main reason is so HikVision can control their market and their suppliers in each different country/region. For example...
  18. C

    Settings for my newly installed DS-2CD2346G2-IU cameras?

    Your video settings will need to be a trade-off between what quality you want to record vs how much footage you want. You may need to experiment over time to get the recorded quality good enough but still having storage for the right number of days. No right or wrong answer but personally I...
  19. C

    DS-2CD2346G2-ISU/SL POE working but no network link?

    The network switch in question - do you have other devices plugged into it that are working and showing network activity lights? Just trying to rule out hardware problem with the switch. I have had cases in the past with switches where the network fails and the PoE is still working as well as...
  20. C

    Firmware Can EU/UK firmware be installed on US cameras?

    I would not do this. As you say, installing the wrong firmware can brick cameras but also those "wrong" firmware cameras can be bricked later by updates of NVR firmware! To explain - I accidentally once installed the wrong firmware onto a couple of cameras and although the cameras worked fine...