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  1. C

    One NVR suddenly no recordings! "no record file found"?

    I just randomly checked one of my NVRs playback function today and I am getting the "no record file found" error for all cameras. Panicking a bit as I don't know how long this has been not recording for. Always been fine in the past. All my other NVRs are working fine. iVMS-4200 v3.10.1.5...
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    Hik-Connect Possible to give user access to "some" cameras only?

    @JB1970 sorry to waste your time - this was my mistake, a typo in one of the IPs - doh! I wasted so much time today... So just to clarify, both phone apps work, and both NVRs and cameras work with only port 8000
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    Hik-Connect Possible to give user access to "some" cameras only?

    @JB1970 thanks, that's exactly what I did. e.g. say my external WAN IP is and my NVR is and my camera is My existing (working) rule says forward port 50100 to port 8000 Adding a device port 50100 to the apps works fine - I can see...
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    Hik-Connect Possible to give user access to "some" cameras only?

    I was revisiting this issue/question as our site neighbor asked us about getting access to a couple of our cameras which overlook their land. So I thought I would experiment with one camera to start with by adding a CAMERA user, then opening up the camera port 8000. Do cameras even have a port...
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    ANPR H8 updated to V5.8.20 captures now include OSD overlay! How to remove?

    I updated an H8 firmware ANPR camera (iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHSY) to the latest firmware on the UK portal (V5.8.20 231024) But now I see the captured photos have the camera view OSD text overlay included on them (actually over the photo). This is bad for two reasons: 1) It's not necessary as you...
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    ANPR tweaks to best get reliable reads?

    @Kyle I think I have managed to eliminate UNKNOWN reads in daytime. I just zoomed in fully (previously it was mostly zoomed in but not 100%) and also moved the blue crossing line from the middle of the view to a bit lower nearer the camera. However, it's failing to read most plates at night...
  7. C

    ANPR tweaks to best get reliable reads?

    Thanks @Kyle I will have a look/read/play and report back with any findings. The camera is mounted securely on the face of a building, and no wind today anyway so I am sure it's not vibration/movement of the camera.
  8. C

    ANPR tweaks to best get reliable reads?

    I just installed a new ANPR camera (iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHSY with H8 firmware on v5.7.80) to replace an older failed model. Some previous model HikVision ANPR cameras used to log a "NOPLATE" read in the case where they detected a vehicle but could not read a plate. (older ones did not do this at...
  9. C

    SMTP Mails from my iDS-7204 HUHI DVR just stopped working via Brevo?

    Are you using a gmail "app password"? If not then that could be the reason as gmail and most other similar email services have stopped allowing services like this to authenticate with a normal master email password. It may be that your region/account has only recently been changed by Google...
  10. C

    Camera Not working - POE Ethernet Port to Unmanaged Ethernet Switch

    @Phill asked me to look at this post. I can't really suggest anything though. In the 2-switch configuration where the camera and laptop are the only devices on the network then... Given both switches are unmanaged, if the camera is assigned a static IP address and the laptop is assigned a...
  11. C

    Using Hikvision POE to power up a Ubiqiti Access Point?

    The Ubiquiti AP is 24V and the specs say it's Passive PoE (Pairs 4, 5+; 7, 8 Return) with a max power of 7W. But the switch is an unmanaged switch meaning there is no web interface or configuration possible, so it can't output passive PoE. You would need another switch which is capable of...
  12. C

    Using Hikvision POE to power up a Ubiqiti Access Point?

    As @Phil says, you would need to tell people the exact make/models of the PoE switch and Access Points. Modern PoE uses "Active" PoE meaning the devices communicate with each other (handshake) to determine what voltage/protocol are supported before supplying any power. Older devices may use...
  13. C

    iVMS-4200 Time delay and freezing?

    Yes, that's the one.
  14. C

    iVMS-4200 Time delay and freezing?

    All I can suggest is you updating to the latest iVMS version from the UK site and see if that helps. When I last looked there was a different version number on the UK site, the European site and the international site! HikVision have always been pretty terrible with their firmware versions and...
  15. C

    iVMS-4200 Time delay and freezing?

    To see version - In the top bar of iVMS where it says "Logged In" - just to the right is an icon with three dots/lines. I think you click that and choose "About".
  16. C

    iVMS-4200 Time delay and freezing?

    What region of the world are you in? UK, Europe, somewhere else? Can you confirm what version of iVMS-4200 you are using? Not sure if the same issue but I have been having quite a few issues with iVMS recently on Windows 11: 1) Often camera views get a time delay of up to several minutes. A...
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    SMB Hikvision

    SMB has different protocol versions (SMBv1, SMBv2, SMBv3), sometimes you get these sorts of issues if there is a mismatch between versions of the NAS/device. Sometimes you can work around it by setting one side to a particular version or one side to backward-support older versions etc. Although...
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    Firmware Firmware update help for Hikvision DS-2CD2347G2-LU cameras?

    From 5.7.2 to 5.7.12 it should be fine to do a straight upgrade. I have never incrementally updated anything although I have seen some recommending doing incremental upgrades if it is a very different version. But often HikVision does not provide all old firmware for download anyway so it could...
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    What impact does Region / Country have on camera setup?

    I think if he ran around/past the camera at a sensible distance with a number plate it probably would capture something. There is a "Real-time LPR Result" section in the config which if enabled shows the most recent 20 captures (with a zoomed in capture of the plate, not the whole snapshot...
  20. C

    What impact does Region / Country have on camera setup?

    @MrM83 I just remembered something which may be relevant to you: Older HikVision ANPR cameras/firmware only capture a snapshot if they recognise a number plate. The newer ANPR cameras/firmware can capture snapshots regardless - e.g. if they see a movement but can't capture a plate read they...