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Recent content by aries7602

  1. A

    Hikvision Intrusion detection - what they don't tell you!

    So I have a 8MP Accusense Colorvu Hikvision camera and I had been using line crossing as my only detection method but with the winter sun and living in a fairly northern latitude, I'd gotten a lot of false alerts due to the long shadows cast from passing vehicles against the low noon sun. So I...
  2. A

    Mounting a DS-2CD2347G1-LU turret camera to a DS-1280ZJ-DM21 Junction box?

    Yes it's kind of strange. Most of the world has switched to metric and the US who haven't use NPT..... seems odd to not cater for either of your two largest markets.
  3. A

    Mounting a DS-2CD2347G1-LU turret camera to a DS-1280ZJ-DM21 Junction box?

    I could but then it would be a lot more prep and I'm lazy. I'm an engineer by trade and I firmly ascribe to 'fit for purpose'. For what advantage will I gain from properly terminating the armour? I used to install 3 phase industrial motors fairly regularly in a previous job so I'm familiar with...
  4. A

    Mounting a DS-2CD2347G1-LU turret camera to a DS-1280ZJ-DM21 Junction box?

    Perfect, thanks for the tip. I've got the same issue but with Cat5E armoured so I need an OD 18 and and ID of 9 which are available on Amazon. Amazon Rubber Washers
  5. A

    Strange issue with line detection on ColorVu 4MP not always triggering

    No problem, I'm glad if this helps anyone else. I'm using BlueIris not an NVR. I updated my camera firmware recently to get the white light on events. So it's not the latest firmware but this: 5.7.2_211228 Customised White Light. I use the Hikvision web plug-in to configure the camera smart...
  6. A

    Line crossing not working? Check max. detection area is set

    I thought I'd share something that I discovered that doesn't seemed to be documented anywhere else regarding Line Crossing Detection on the Hikvision cameras. If you clear the detection area from your smart event, it will clear not only your line but your max. size rectangle also, which by...
  7. A

    Strange issue with line detection on ColorVu 4MP not always triggering

    Well I dwelled on the problem overnight and I had a thought. I think it's the gate is interfering with the line crossing. So I created a second line in front of the gate to pick up anyone entering on that side. I've just tested it and it works. Thought I'd share here in case it helps anyone...
  8. A

    Strange issue with line detection on ColorVu 4MP not always triggering

    I've got a DS-2CD2347G2-LU 4MP ColorVu which I'm very happy with. But I have an issue with the line detection smart event and I don't know how to fix it. My issue is that I have it set up at the end of my drive. If someone comes in from the left side it triggers, if they come in the middle then...
  9. A

    Hikvision ColorVu event light making image go too dark

    I thought I'd post my problem and the solution I found in case anyone else encounters the same issue. I've just set up a DS-2CD2347G2-LU 4MP ColorVu turret camera. I upgraded the firmware to get the white light activating on events but I discovered that for a couple of seconds that the image...
  10. A

    DS-2CD2387G2-LU - White light at night only?

    This is the solution I just arrived at. I've got enough ambient light all the time that even in the dead of night with no moon I get great colour images but I wanted the visual deterrent of the flood light. But It would be nice if you could use the same event types but as different instances...
  11. A

    No idea. Mine was set to 0.3MP and I have a 4MP camera......

    No idea. Mine was set to 0.3MP and I have a 4MP camera......
  12. A

    I worked it out from this youtube video: [MEDIA]

    I worked it out from this youtube video:
  13. A

    Brand new DS-2CD2386G2-LU, awful image quality?

    Hi, I just received my DS-2CD2386G2-LU today and plugged it in expecting to be blown away and I was quite perturbed when I was greeted with an appalling image quality! Does this need setting/commissioning out of the box? I can't even read a street sign 20m away. I'm currently running a 7 year...